Sunday, December 14, 2008

Some of my friends asked me some funny and lame question which is really speechless to me ==..actually we were playing 'Truth or Dare'..and I got 'Truth'..they wrote down all the questions and wanted me 'write down' all the answers..and requested me to blog for a week..

Q1 : Why people always though that you're 'how lian'?
A : Maybe I didn't smile? I don't know.

Q2 - Q7 (Some boys stuff)

Q8 : Do you have girlfriend?
A : No

Q9 : Why?
A : Pressure, don't feel like using parents money to buy things for her, young?,
don't wanna make it a problem to me and the longer I wait the more i appreciate

Q10 : Do you like someone?
A : Yes

Q11 : What's her name?
A : ???????

Q12 : She likes you?
A : Not really

Q13 : What makes you like her?
A : serious in God? nice? cute? different from others?

Q14 : When is her birthday?
A : we played water inside our classroom

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