Every girl dreams that one day she
find a boy that does these things for
her. Even the smallest action can have
the BIGGEST impact in someones life.
1. ring her up everyday, tell her you miss her very much, phone her and sms her
2. joke around with her,she wouldnt like if you're very VERY serious
3. entertain her every single time
4. love her for who she is,not for her wealth or anything else
5. DON ask her to change to the person you wan cause this will assure that u aint the perfect boyfriend
6. when arguements,work things out instead of just leaving it behind
7. don play around wid other girls or your exes
8. never forget what she says
9. be happy with what you have cause nothing in this world will turn out the way you want
10. think positive about you and her
11. give her one of your t-shirts to
sleep in.
12. leave her cute text notes.
13. kiss her in front of your friends.
14. tell her she is gorgeous..
15. look into her eyes when you talk to
16. let her mess with your hair
17. touch her hair.
18. just walk around with her.
20. look at her like she`s the only one
you see.
21. tickle her even when she says stop.
22. hold her hand when you`re around your
23. when she starts swearing at you, tell
her you love her.
24. let her fall asleep in your arms..
25. get her mad, then kiss her.
26. tease her and let her tease you back.
27. stay up all night with her when she`s
28. watch her favorite movie with her.
29. kiss her forehead.
30. give her the world.
31. write her letters.
32. let her wear your clothes.
33. when she`s sad, hang out with her.
34. let her know she`s important.
35. let her take all the photos she wants
of you.
36. kiss her in the pouring rain.
37. when you fall in love with her, tell
38. and when you tell her, love her like
you've never loved someone before.
Posted by Aaron
I think not all the girls will agree with above d advise..
although some is quite romantic...